Allore, Heather – Profile

Link to Allore, Heather profile page.
Full Name
Heather Allore, PhD

Core Leader, Design and Statistics Core (DSC)

Primary title
Primary Institution
Yale School of Medicine
Complete Titles

Professor, Yale School of Medicine
Professor, Yale School of Public Health

Heather Allore, PhD, founded the field of gerontological biostatistics to help researchers have the tools necessary to understand how to design and analyze research relevant and important to the lives and well-being of older adults. Led by Dr. Allore, the Design and Statistics Core connects these methods to all aspects of the IMPACT Collaboratory. Dr. Allore previously served as director of biostatistics at the Yale Program on Aging. Additionally, her research collaborations and methodological work include being the leader of the Data Management and Statistics Core of the Yale Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center. Her international collaborations, which help to improve the lives of people living with dementia, covers Europe, Australia, and New Zealand.
Core/Team Associations