Implementation Core

Implementation Core

Core Activities

The Implementation Core focuses on implementing and disseminating dementia care interventions in the context of embedded pragmatic clinical trials (ePCTs) and optimizing the potential for integrating the intervention into health care systems.

Core members develop and disseminate guidance and training materials related to implementing non-pharmacologic interventions among people living with dementia (PLWD) and their care partners. They provide guidance to investigators on integrating evidenced-based dementia care into health care systems and evaluating implementation processes and outcomes.  The core provides advice on theoretical frameworks that capture the complexities of the field, and assist investigators in identifying the readiness of pilot ePCTs for full scale evaluation, the development of implementation, and dissemination plans.

Key Resources

link to the Knowledge Repository


Members of the Implementation Core, 2024 Annual Business Meeting

Core Support

John Beilenson, MA, Communications Consultant

Sokha Koeuth, PhD, MPH, Core Navigator

Member Directory | VIEW ALL