IMPACT funded investigators are among team discussing opportunities to improve ADRD care through consumer-oriented health information in LHSs

Catalyzing dementia care through the learning health system and consumer health information technology

January 17, 2023

IMPACT funded investigators, Chanee Fabius, PhD, Ariel Green, MD, MPH, PhD, and Hillary Lum, MD, PhD, are among authors who contributed to this perspective paper discussing how emerging payment models, quality improvement initiatives, and population health strategies present opportunities to embed best practice principles of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (ADRD) care within the learning health system (LHS).


To advance care for persons with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (ADRD), real-world health system effectiveness research must actively engage those affected to understand what works, for whom, in what setting, and for how long-an agenda central to learning health system (LHS) principles. This perspective discusses how emerging payment models, quality improvement initiatives, and population health strategies present opportunities to embed best practice principles of ADRD care within the LHS. We discuss how stakeholder engagement in an ADRD LHS when embedding, adapting, and refining prototypes can ensure that products are viable when implemented. Finally, we highlight the promise of consumer-oriented health information technologies in supporting persons living with ADRD and their care partners and delivering embedded ADRD interventions at scale. We aim to stimulate progress toward sustainable infrastructure paired with person- and family-facing innovations that catalyze broader transformation of ADRD care.

Read the full article.